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Council of Development and Reconstruction
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Towards the end of the year 1976 and, after almost two years of painful and destructive events particularly on the infrastructure level as well as the public institutions and ministries, which were at the time suffering from an acute shortage in human resources and equipment and, following the restoration of security through the presence of the Joint Arab Forces, the government found it necessary to create a new public body which would be able to carry out the enormous task of the reconstruction of Lebanon.
Court of Audit
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An Audit Court shall be established to supervise the management of public funds, by auditing and settling the accounts of the State and municipalities, ruling on the validity and legality of their transactions, and supervising the execution of the Budget.''
General Directorate of State Security
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First - Collecting information concerning internal state security by the means of special networks, covering Lebanese territories, attached to it, and investigating external information from acting agencies, in order to verify, analyze, classify, file or to remit them to the relevant authorities.
Second - Surveillance of foreigners by inquiring their actions that relate to state security, and surveillance of relations between lebanese citizens and foreign parties in what concerns state security.
Third - Counter-espionage and countering enemy activity in all its different aspects.
Fourth - Preliminary investigations of acts which jeopardize internal and external state security. These investigations are led by the General Director and the Deputy-General Director, as well as the Directorate's main officers , its delegated and non-commissioned-officers who are appointed by the Vice-President of the Supreme Council of Defense; they perform their missions as assistant judiciary officers to the Court of Appeal Prosecutor, as well as to the government's Delegate to Military Court, in accordance with laws in force.
Fifth - Coordinating with other security services, such as the General Directorate of General Security, Internal Security Forces and Army Intelligence Directorate, in matters concerning inquiries and information exchange.
Sixth - Setting regular reports in order to inform the Supreme Council of Defense, about general security and political situation, and to make appropriate suggestions in order to face internal and external dangers; to permanently inform the President of the Supreme Council of Defense and his Vice president about security and political situation (official authorities are bound to supply this Directorate with required information concerning everything related to internal and external state security).
Seventh - Providing security to some VIP and to competent authorities which are menaced by danger.
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- Collecting political, economic and social information for the favor of the government.
- Evaluating, analyzing and exploiting all the information in different domains.
- Participating in Judicial investigations within the limits of offenses committed against the internal or external security of the State.
- Supervising the preparation and implementation of security measures.
- Security cooperation related to different interests.
- Fighting whatever endangers the security by the surveillance and prosecution of the sabotage acts, the trouble makers and those who spread rumors that could jeopardize the security.
- Fighting the banned parties and the secret and prohibited associations.
- Preparing the notices and the prosecutions related to searching, travel and entrance banning.
- Participating in the surveillance of the territorial, maritime and aerial frontiers
Internal Security Forces
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The law No.17 , of September 6th ,1990 defines the I.S.F as: public armed forces whose jurisdiction covers the whole Lebanese territory and the territorial waters and air .
The I.S.F missions are :
� The administrative police:
- Keeps order and security.
- Assures public order.
- Protects people and properties.
- Assures the execution of law and legal rules.
Investment Development Authority of Lebanon
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IDAL was established in 1994 by a decree from the Lebanese Council of Ministers to spearhead Lebanon's investment promotion efforts.
On August 16, 2001, IDAL's role was reinforced by the enactment of the Investment Development Law 360, regulating investment promotion of domestic and foreign entities and striving to stimulate Lebanon's economic and social development as well as enhance its competitiveness.
Lebanese Army
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The LAF's national orientation is based on the following:
Facing the Israeli occupation and its perpetual aggression in South Lebanon and West Bekaa and supporting the steadfastness of Lebanese citizens to ensure the complete withdrawal of the Israeli forces to internationally recognized borders.
Defending the country and its citizens against all aggression.
Confronting all threats against the country�s vital interests.
Coordinating with Arab armies in accordance with ratified treaties and agreements.
Maintaining internal security and stability.
Engaging in social and development activities according to national interests.
Undertaking relief operations in coordination with other public and humanitarian institutions
Ministry of Agriculture
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Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Economy and Trade
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The Ministry of Economy and Trade is responsible for economic matters and national stockpiling needs. These include the planning and coordination of, and implementation in, the fields of trade and the economy.
Society for the Protection Nature
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SPNL is one of the oldest environmental NGOs in Lebanon. It was established in 1986 under the Lebanese Laws, and licensed by the Ministry of Interior by decision no. 6/AD dated 8/1/1986.
SPNL aims at protecting nature, birds and biodiversity in Lebanon for people and to ensure sustainable use of natural resources.
SPNL is the national partner for BirdLife International in Lebanon. It considers birds as entry points for the conservation of wider natural resources, as they act as key indicators of the status and health of ecosystems.
The Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research, CNRS
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National Council for Scientific Research